EDUCATION CONNECTION is one of Connecticut's 6 Regional Service Centers (Overview PDF). Their mission as the regional educational service center in western Connecticut is to promote the success of school districts and their communities.
Collaboratively with them, they provide educational and related services. [ Adult and Continuing Education Information ] [GED] [High School Opportunities] [Adult Education Classes] [Senior Employment Program (Title V)] [Transportation TRED] [Transportation TRED] [Services for Individuals with Developmental Disabilities] [Community Health Assessments] [The Center for Program Research @ Evaluation (CPRE)] [Voluntary Services Program (VSP) Locations:

Babysitting Courses
The American Red Cross is offering a Babysitting Basics Online Course. Learn at your own pace with this 4-hour course. Makes learning fun with lots of videos and interactive games. {take course}
The American Red Cross is offering a Babysitting Basics Online Course. Learn at your own pace with this 4-hour course. Makes learning fun with lots of videos and interactive games. {take course}