Local Area Amber Alerts:
An AMBER Alert or a Child Abduction Emergency (SAME code: CAE) is a child abduction alert system. Originating in the United States in 1996, there are now similar systems in a number of other countries.
Local Area Silver Alerts:
Are You a Parent or Relative of a Missing or Abducted Child? If you are a parent of a missing child, our hearts go out to you. Contact us at [email protected] and we will do whatever we can do to help you.
Amber Alert Global Incident Map http://amberalerts.globalincidentmap.com
Displays Amber Alerts Nationwide & lists all resolved cases.
Association of Missing and Exploited Children’s Organization http://www.missingkids.com/
An organization of member organizations in the United States and Canada who provide services to families with missing and exploited children.
Black & Missing Foundation http://www.blackandmissinginc.com/
Black and Missing Foundation, Inc (BAM FI) has been established as a non-profit organization whose mission is to bring awareness to missing persons of color; provide vital resources and tools to missing person’s families and friends and to educate the minority community on personal safety.
A Child is Missing http://www.achildismissing.org/
A Child is Missing sends a recorded telephone message to residents within a geographical distance from where the person was last seen. It automatically goes to landline phones, but people can sign up at achildismissing.org by inputting their cellphone number tied to a specific address. The service is free for police and for residents.
Crime Stoppers USA http://www.crimestoppersusa.com/
Crime Stoppers USA is the national Crime Stoppers organization that spans the United States to create a network of local programs that work together to prevent and solve crimes in communities and schools across the nation.
CUE Center for Missing Persons http://www.ncmissingpersons.org/
CUE provides a variety of services for families suffering a missing person. Some of those services include: posters, printing, search/recovery resources, bulk mailings, law enforcement requests for case aid, personal needs for families of the missing, office workspace to aid the public, individual/group grief counseling and complete case work of missing persons.
The Doe Network http://www.doenetwork.org/
A volunteer organization devoted to assisting Law Enforcement in solving cold cases concerning unexplained disappearances and unidentified victims from North America, Australia and Europe. It is their mission to give the nameless back their names and return the missing to their families.
Family Watchdog http://www.familywatchdog.us/
Family Watchdog is a free service to help locate registered sex offenders in your area.
FBI’s List of Kidnappings and Missing Persons http://www.fbi.gov/wanted/kidnap
Harris Family Law document on Parental Kidnapping
This document outlines some important steps to take to prevent a kidnapping and also, what steps to take once a kidnapping has occurred.
Huffington Post – Missing Persons http://www.huffingtonpost.com/news/missing-persons/
If I Go Missing https://www.ifigomissing.com//
Online database to help search for missing people.
The Laura Recovery Center http://www.lrcf.org/
The Laura Recovery Center exists to prevent abductions and runaways and to recover missing children by fostering a Triangle of Trust among law enforcement, community and a missing child’s family.
Let’s Bring them Home http://lbth.org/
National missing adults program.
Missing & Exploited Children http://www.missingkids.com/home {Connecticut}
Missing Persons of America http://www.missingpersonsofamerica.com/
From the most talked about missing cases to the ones you have never heard of.
National Center for Missing and Exploited Children http://www.missingkids.com
(800) THE-LOST or (800) 843-5678
NCMEC’s mission is to help prevent child abduction and sexual exploitation; help find missing children; and assist victims of child abduction and sexual exploitation, their families, and the professionals who serve them.
NamUs – National Missing and Unidentified Persons System https://www.findthemissing.org/en
This site provides an opportunity for families, law enforcement agencies and investigators to search nationwide for missing persons using a variety of powerful search features.
Operation Lookout http://www.operationlookout.org/
The first priority and ultimate objective of the organization is to bring about a positive reunion of children with their loved ones.
Paul and Lisa Program 1-860-767-7660 "The Paul and Lisa program was established as a street out reach effort to FREE children, youth and young adults from being victimized through sexual exploitation". The Paul and Lisa program is also involved in school based prevention and education programs focusing on the prevention of sexual exploitation. The Paul and Lisa Program also offers a magazine called RISSK. There is a donation charge, but it is minimal and parents should take advantage of this resource.
Peace 4 the Missing http://peace4missing.ning.com/
Voice Platform and Support Network for Families of Missing and Victims of Crime.
Polly Klaas Foundation http://www.pollyklaas.org/
A national nonprofit that helps find missing children, prevents children from going missing, and promotes laws like Amber Alert that help keep children safe.
Team HOPE http://www.teamhope.org/
Support Network for Families with Missing & Exploited Children.
Trinity Search and Recovery http://www.trinitysearch.org/tsar/
A nonprofit group that offers a variety of services, including: volunteer ground searches, aerial searches, water searches, counseling services, media coordination and coordination with law enforcement.
Web Sleuths http://www.websleuths.com
Online community dedicated to various cases including those pertaining to missing persons.
The US State Department's "Family Resource Guide on International Parental Kidnapping" (pdf)
Displays Amber Alerts Nationwide & lists all resolved cases.
Association of Missing and Exploited Children’s Organization http://www.missingkids.com/
An organization of member organizations in the United States and Canada who provide services to families with missing and exploited children.
Black & Missing Foundation http://www.blackandmissinginc.com/
Black and Missing Foundation, Inc (BAM FI) has been established as a non-profit organization whose mission is to bring awareness to missing persons of color; provide vital resources and tools to missing person’s families and friends and to educate the minority community on personal safety.
A Child is Missing http://www.achildismissing.org/
A Child is Missing sends a recorded telephone message to residents within a geographical distance from where the person was last seen. It automatically goes to landline phones, but people can sign up at achildismissing.org by inputting their cellphone number tied to a specific address. The service is free for police and for residents.
Crime Stoppers USA http://www.crimestoppersusa.com/
Crime Stoppers USA is the national Crime Stoppers organization that spans the United States to create a network of local programs that work together to prevent and solve crimes in communities and schools across the nation.
CUE Center for Missing Persons http://www.ncmissingpersons.org/
CUE provides a variety of services for families suffering a missing person. Some of those services include: posters, printing, search/recovery resources, bulk mailings, law enforcement requests for case aid, personal needs for families of the missing, office workspace to aid the public, individual/group grief counseling and complete case work of missing persons.
The Doe Network http://www.doenetwork.org/
A volunteer organization devoted to assisting Law Enforcement in solving cold cases concerning unexplained disappearances and unidentified victims from North America, Australia and Europe. It is their mission to give the nameless back their names and return the missing to their families.
Family Watchdog http://www.familywatchdog.us/
Family Watchdog is a free service to help locate registered sex offenders in your area.
FBI’s List of Kidnappings and Missing Persons http://www.fbi.gov/wanted/kidnap
Harris Family Law document on Parental Kidnapping
This document outlines some important steps to take to prevent a kidnapping and also, what steps to take once a kidnapping has occurred.
Huffington Post – Missing Persons http://www.huffingtonpost.com/news/missing-persons/
If I Go Missing https://www.ifigomissing.com//
Online database to help search for missing people.
The Laura Recovery Center http://www.lrcf.org/
The Laura Recovery Center exists to prevent abductions and runaways and to recover missing children by fostering a Triangle of Trust among law enforcement, community and a missing child’s family.
Let’s Bring them Home http://lbth.org/
National missing adults program.
Missing & Exploited Children http://www.missingkids.com/home {Connecticut}
Missing Persons of America http://www.missingpersonsofamerica.com/
From the most talked about missing cases to the ones you have never heard of.
National Center for Missing and Exploited Children http://www.missingkids.com
(800) THE-LOST or (800) 843-5678
NCMEC’s mission is to help prevent child abduction and sexual exploitation; help find missing children; and assist victims of child abduction and sexual exploitation, their families, and the professionals who serve them.
NamUs – National Missing and Unidentified Persons System https://www.findthemissing.org/en
This site provides an opportunity for families, law enforcement agencies and investigators to search nationwide for missing persons using a variety of powerful search features.
Operation Lookout http://www.operationlookout.org/
The first priority and ultimate objective of the organization is to bring about a positive reunion of children with their loved ones.
Paul and Lisa Program 1-860-767-7660 "The Paul and Lisa program was established as a street out reach effort to FREE children, youth and young adults from being victimized through sexual exploitation". The Paul and Lisa program is also involved in school based prevention and education programs focusing on the prevention of sexual exploitation. The Paul and Lisa Program also offers a magazine called RISSK. There is a donation charge, but it is minimal and parents should take advantage of this resource.
Peace 4 the Missing http://peace4missing.ning.com/
Voice Platform and Support Network for Families of Missing and Victims of Crime.
Polly Klaas Foundation http://www.pollyklaas.org/
A national nonprofit that helps find missing children, prevents children from going missing, and promotes laws like Amber Alert that help keep children safe.
Team HOPE http://www.teamhope.org/
Support Network for Families with Missing & Exploited Children.
Trinity Search and Recovery http://www.trinitysearch.org/tsar/
A nonprofit group that offers a variety of services, including: volunteer ground searches, aerial searches, water searches, counseling services, media coordination and coordination with law enforcement.
Web Sleuths http://www.websleuths.com
Online community dedicated to various cases including those pertaining to missing persons.
The US State Department's "Family Resource Guide on International Parental Kidnapping" (pdf)
Are you a Parent or Relative of a Missing or Abducted Child?
If so contact us at [email protected] and we will do whatever we can do to help you.
If so contact us at [email protected] and we will do whatever we can do to help you.