Helpful Tips for Parents and Students
Use these resources and tips to help your child excel throughout the school year.
- Immunizations and Other Health Requirements:
It's a good idea to take your child for a physical and eye exam before school starts. Most schools require up-to-date immunizations and may need documentation. Failing to keep immunizations current could prevent your child from attending school. Check the immunization requirements in your state.
Bring all health-related forms that the school requires when you take your child to the doctor. If your child will be participating in a sport, his/her doctor may have to sign a release form. Be sure to keep your own copy of any records.
Let your child's doctor know if you have any questions or concerns about the scheduled vaccines or any other health-related issues that may be affecting your child. - Financial Assistance for Families:
There are several programs and resources available to ease the financial burden of going back to school, including low cost meals and affordable health insurance.
Find out if your family qualifies for Snap or any Child Nutrition Programs, which includes the National School Lunch Program.
For free or low-cost health coverage, see if you qualify for Husky Health Program or the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP). If you don't qualify, you can find and compare health insurance through the Health Insurance Marketplace. - Homework Help:
Homework can provide many benefits for children. It can improve memory and comprehension, develop study skills, and teach children how to manage time. You can help by making sure your kids have a quiet, well-lit place to do homework and provide assistance, but not complete answers. Learn how to help your kids with homework and succeed in school. - School Supplies:
School Supplies Many school supplies, such as pens, binders, and notebooks, can be reused. Sort through the materials you already have, separating those that your child can use again from those that should be recycled or tossed. Get more tips on how to reduce waste during the school year.
Some states offer a "sales tax holiday" for a few days each year. This means that certain products won't be taxed during a set period of time. If your state offers a sales tax holiday, you may be able to save money on clothes, shoes, and other supplies. Check to see if your state participates in sales tax holidays. - Physical Fitness & Nutrition:
Healthy Eating and Physical Fitness Nutrition is an important factor in academic performance. Studies have shown that children who eat healthy, balanced breakfasts and lunches are more alert throughout the school day and earn higher grades than those who have an unhealthy diet.
Learn about healthy lunches, breakfasts, and snacks your child can get at school and get tips on preparing a healthy school lunch and making small changes at home to improve your family's diet.
Exercise is an important part of a child's health. Physical activity helps build muscle, promote strong bones, and control weight. Get ideas to help promote an active lifestyle. - Preparing the Student:
Help transition kids into a consistent school-night routine and make sure that they:- Get enough sleep (establish a reasonable bedtime so that they'll be well-rested and ready to learn in the morning)
- Eat a healthy breakfast (they're more alert and do better in school if they eat a good breakfast every day)
- Write down the need-to-know info to help them remember details such as their locker combination, what time classes and lunch start and end, their homeroom and classroom numbers, teachers' and/or bus drivers' names, etc.
- Use a wall calendar or personal planner to record when assignments are due, tests will be given, extracurricular practices and rehearsals will be held, etc.
- Have them organize and set out what they need the night before (homework and books should be put in their backpacks by the door and clothes should be laid out in their bedrooms)
Artwell home school classes are the building blocks of art making for the young mind. Art making enhances the quality of children’s lives through creative connection with the imagination. This month's class, Home School Basic Drawing, will feature instruction by illustrator Jacob Aronow. {details}
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